
JP Morgan Short Duration Corp Sustainable Fund

Om fonden

To achieve a return by investing primarily in global short duration investment grade corporate debt securities with positive E/S characteristics or debt securities that demonstrate improving E/S characteristics. Debt securities with positive E/S characteristics are those that the Investment Manager believes have been issued by companies that demonstrate effective governance and superior management of environmental and/or social issues (sustainable characteristics).

Faktablad Prospectus Hållbarhetsrapport/årsberättelse




Information om fondens brancher saknas.


Information om fondens regioner saknas.


JPM USD Liquidity LVNAV X (dist.) 3,09 %
United States Treasury Bills 0% 1,51 %
Morgan Stanley Bank, National Association (Utah) 5.504% 1,14 %
Wells Fargo & Co. 5.198% 0,96 %
Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. 6.05% 0,85 %

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