Neuberger Berman

Neuberger Berman European High Yield Bond Fund

Om fonden

Seeks to maximise current income whilst preserving capital by investing in the European high yield fixed income market. The Portfolio will aim to achieve its objective by investing primarily in corporate high yield fixed income securities, which are (i) denominated in a European currency or (ii) issued or guaranteed by issuers of any industrial sector that are domiciled in, or exercise the main part of their economic activity in a European country that are listed, dealt or traded on Recognised Markets.

Faktablad Prospectus Hållbarhetsrapport/årsberättelse




Information om fondens brancher saknas.


Information om fondens regioner saknas.


Lorca Telecom Bondco S.A.U. 1,23 %
Electricite de France SA 1,12 %
Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands II B.V 0,98 %
Techem Verwaltungsgesellschaft 674 mbH 0,95 %
Tk Elevator Midco GmbH 0,93 %

Visar fondens 5 största innehav.